25 Years of the Nantucket Conference

25 Years. A Quarter of a Century. The fact that the Nantucket Conference started in 2000 and we’re celebrating the 25th year in 2024 is a great time to pause, think about how it all started, what’s transpired over those 25 years and recognize all those amazing people who have been part of the annual gathering on Massachusetts’ very own special island.

I like to say that the conference started with a passion and not a plan.  2000 was a bizarre and wonderful time.  The beginning of the year was the height of the Internet bubble and companies did not need to show revenue to be valued at millions or even billions of dollars.  Of course, the idea of the Nantucket Conference happened well before that “correction” in April.  

In 1999, a group of friends and colleagues in industry got together at what was then Sidney’s Restaurant at the MIT Hotel to talk about this idea of meeting up on Nantucket to make connections and share best practices.  There was no plan, in fact, there was not even a strategy to charge folks to attend or to bring in sponsors.  But, both around the table that day and afterwards a group of folks became our first advisor group including Alyssa Stern, James Chung, Scott Cohen, Kristen Collins, Mike Hirshland, Scott Kirsner, Alex Kleiner, Patrick Rafter, Will Richmond, David Rose, and Ada Vassilovski

To cover the costs, someone mentioned charging folks to attend and to bring in some sponsors.  I distinctly remember thinking sure, why not, and that’s how it all began…

Shayne Gilbert